Q: What is the standard delivery time for books or merchandise shipped within North America once I place my order?
A: Anything delivered within North America can take 7-10 business days for delivery.
Q: What is the delivery time for books or merchandise shipped internationally once I place my order?
A: Anything delivered internationally can take 1-3 weeks for delivery based on customs delays, etc.
Q: How can I find out if my order has shipped?
A: Please contact by email: info@bookstore.NAVC.com
Q: How can I get my tracking number?
A: Please contact by email: info@bookstore.NAVC.com request a tracking number on your order.
Q: Do you ship to my country?
A: We ship to all countries unless they are under the US General Trade Embargo. Please see below for the list of countries we can not ship to:
Q: Do I have to pay customs fees outside the U.S.?
A: If you live outside the United States, customs and tariff fees may apply according to your country's import laws. These fees are not collected by the NAVC, and the NAVC does not have control of these fees.
Q: How do I retrieve my Digital Downloads if I have lost the link?
A: Please click here and follow the steps to resend your download links.